Friday, January 21, 2011

CC 1-10 Response Jan. 21 2011

The Yellow River

1.) The discovery of the Yellow River(Hwang Ho), was one of the most important discoveries for China's early civilizations. 

2.) Through the Yellow River, cultures such as the Hongshan Culture(4700-2900 BCE), Yangshao Culture(5000-3000 BCE), and later the Longshan Culture(3000-200 BCE) could sustain life through the most basic necessity; water.

3.) Through these combined areas, several thousands of small states could be seen by 3000 BCE.

4.) This river is so important to the Chinese, that it is dubbed their "Queen River" and "the Cradle of Chinese Civilization"

5.) The river stretches across nine provinces of China(a substantial amount).

6.) Through mud blockage in the 1100's several civilizations died out, due to lack of sustainability.

7.) The river is also very important to the Chinese because of the silt(nutrients in the water) that it carries, and will make the surrounding soil very nutrient rich to grow food in.

8.) Buildings were designed around the Yellow River, but were often recessed from the shoreline
        -Too close to the shoreline, their homes would be flooded.

9.) Unfortunately, there is concern for the pollution of the river, and conservency efforts have been made.

10.) The rivers mud was also used by locals as a building material.


     -This is the upper region of the Yellow River, notice the village to the left of the river and their      crops.

     -Notice the yellow color of the river due to the abnormal amount of loess(sediments-silt, sand, and clay)

     -Notice all of the produce(mostly rice fields).  Also notice how low it lays-flooding.  Erosion has also been a very large concern.

Supplemental Writing

Here are two supplemental writings that I found helpful in my research, and that helped to clarify the importance of the Yellow River;

How it Affects us Today

The early civilizations of the Yellow River had to deal with the devestating effects of the Yellow River.
Through these effects, these civilizations grew in their design/architecture/building fields.  Villages would move from the shoreline, more inland, but still keeping the Yellow River easily accesible.  Also, some of the first levies were used on this river, a modern marvel.  This river also brought things such as power, nutrients, and building materials to these civilizations.  The river was even used as a weapon against the Japanese(water warfare) through the removal of specific levies.

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