Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog Post Monday, Jan 31

This is the Faust Building.  Notice the power and size of this building. On the UNCG campus there are several examples of precident, order, size, surface,  technology, scale, experience, power, space, and principles.  Order matters, notice the school of musics location on campus as well as the Fergusson building.  The surface of most of these buildings are brick.  Notice the size of the dining hall and EUC, very large.  Notice the technology used at the entrance of the dining hall, the self supporting style.  Notice the ornamentation on the Faust building, found in the link above.  Notice the principles of the library.  All of these examples can be found throughout campus, and in more than one place.

This diagram should help with locating the buildings

1 comment:

  1. The Faust building is definitely one of my favorites on campus and your picture definitely captures the beauty of it, for sure! I think to expand on how the order matters on campus, or what the principles of the library are, may have made this clearer to a reader who doesn't know the campus as well.
