Monday, February 21, 2011


The cathedrals we discussed in lass today can be described in terms of region.  Although different regions have similar cathedrals, there ares still enough differences inbetween the two.  Some of the "lofty" ideas in these cathedrals is there effort to reach good.  They are built very tall with a hope that they will be closer to god.  Also, in just the size of the cathedrals there is an effort of it trying to be god like.  In the Amiens cathedral, there were several errors made.  Through different generations of designers and workers, the plans were changed, and preventative efforts had to be made to preserve the integrity of the cathedral.  For instance the flying supports at the top had to have a second one added in order to prevent it from buckling.  Also, the inside of it had to have a chain added to support the columns from falling.

Cognitive Map

Design-----Time----New Design-----Errors----Preventative----Rough Foundation-----Difficulties-----Real vs Ideal-----God-------Dedication-----Community-----Life

1 comment:

  1. You bring up a great point with the height of these cathedrals. Height was important to feel closer to God. You mentioned that there were some differences between these two, however what are they? Also, how does the region they were built in help communicate those differences? Tie in the design language we learned in class and in your readings (example: flying buttresses instead of flying supports) and watch your spelling. Good Map too!!
