Friday, January 28, 2011

CC 11-20 Response Jan. 28

The Importance/Significance of Columns

1.) Columns are a very important part of design.  Not only in structural support, but as well as symbolic meaning.

2.) Columns are part of the repetition factor.  Especially in the cases of Acropolis and Xianyang.

3.) Columns can make a building appear bigger than it is, and at certain angels(such as the Parthenon) attempt to make it look perfect.

4.) The columns also represent hierarchy.  They are towering over many things, and therefore show that.  

5.) Columns can also be highly decorated, and they usually are, which shows their significance.

6.) The repetition found in columns also represents power and authority.

7.) Columns can give even a small building a good impression.  Made to look better than actuality.

8.) Akropolis as well as the Xianyang palace have several rows of columns.

Image 1
In this link of the Xianyang palace model, notice the importance of the columns.  They make the palace look more substantial, as well as showing the power.

Image 2
In this link, notice how much of the physical Parthenon is columns.  The columns are very important to the Greeks, notice the detail, and how well they have been kept together til now.

Image 3
In this link, notice the Temple at Erida's columns and the repetition on top of the layers of steps.

This supplemental website      has tons of information on columns throughout history and their importance.  It points out that we take columns for granted today, and that the meaning now is more simplistic than ever.  

Today columns are used as structural support and as decoration.  Most columns don't have symbolic or divine meanings anymore, which is showing how are cultures are becoming less and less religious and more fundamental.

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